
Explore the debate and science of Middle Eastern Studies.

November 8, 2022

U.S. Gives $2.9M to Universities That Promote Anti-West Ideologies

Adam Andrzejewski

NAS's report reveals that eleven Middle East Studies Centers at American universities funded by the U.S. government are pushing overtly anti-West ideologies.

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October 11, 2022

A Cold War Program Gets Hijacked

Neetu Arnold

A Cold War-era federal program has wandered far from its national-security mission and into the woke follies that permeate much of American education.

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October 11, 2022

A Gulf in Our Middle East Studies

Marina Ziemnick

As long as America’s Middle East Studies Centers are more interested in advancing their ideological agenda than promoting meaningful scholarship, they are not deserving of our taxpayer dollars.

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