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Latest Biden Student Loan Forgiveness: Expediency Over Substance

On Thursday, October 17, the Biden Administration announced it was canceling student loan debt for approximately 60,000 public service workers pursuant to its authority under the Higher......

Science and Bias

Report reveals lack of scientific foundation for widely used Implicit Association Test.

Bogus Term ‘White Supremacy’ is Just War on the West

The target of the race hustlers isn’t just the skin color or ethnicity of Western peoples; it’s the civilization of Western peoples.

VIDEO: Shifting Sands: Zombie Psychology

Join the National Association of Scholars for the launch of the fourth and final report in the Shifting Sands project: Keeping Count of Government Science: Zombie Psychology, Implicit Bias Theory......

Most Recent from Minding The Campus

Peace, Liberty, and Safety Is All We Really Want

On what was likely a crisp autumn day in Philadelphia in 1774—before muskets and Minutemen—the American colonies chose diplomacy. They sent a carefully crafted petition to King George III, born out of......

Title IX in Higher Ed Sports: Combating Sexual Misconduct

Debates surrounding Title IX, namely the Biden administration’s push to include gender identity, are overshadowing a debate that we should be having about sexual assault and misconduct faced by female......


Shifting Sands: Report IV

Shifting Sands: Zombie Psychology examines the science underlying implicit bias theory. The report finds that many researchers and legislators believe policies based on this theory are harmful. M......

Shadows of Influence

Foreign funding of American universities remains an open secret. This report details the underreporting of foreign gifts to universities by analyzing a complementary database compiled using public rec......

China and Our Children

This report examines how the Chinese Communist Party uses language as a tool of asymmetric warfare and its deployed effects in the United States. Confucius Classrooms did not only expand from Confuciu......

DEI and Maryland College Campuses

This report surveys the diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and administrative initiatives at 12 University System of Mayland campuses.


October 22, 2024

Science and Bias

Report reveals lack of scientific foundation for widely used Implicit Association Test....

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October 15, 2024

The Hidden Hand of UAW Behind Campus Anti-Semitism

Uncovering the hidden force behind the scenes of higher education's campus anti-Israel protests....

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October 8, 2024

How the October 7th Attacks Changed Higher Ed

Marking the one year anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel, and the responses by American higher education....

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NAS Statement on University of Pennsylvania Sanction of Amy Wax

The National Association of Scholars is outraged—but not surprised—by Penn's decision to penalize Wax for exercising her academic freedom. 

AAUP Trades Academic Freedom for Boycotts

The AAUP's new statement on boycotts places academic freedom on the backburner for temporary political gain.

Press Releases

Press Release: Report Finds Activism Guides Implicit Bias Theory

New report finds compelling evidence that the IAT does not appear to measure implicit bias accurately or reliably.

Report: Billions in Foreign Gifts to American Universities Go Unreported

A new report finds that American universities rarely disclose, if at all, gifts from foreign governments and organizations. Without enforcement, colleges and universities slip transparency and fiducia......


Event: Shifting Sands: Zombie Psychology

Join the National Association of Scholars for the launch of the fourth and final report in the Shifting Sands project: Keeping Count of Government Science: Zombie Psychology, Implicit Bias Theory......

Event: Constitution Day Symposium

An exploration of the anti-Constitutional ideas that have seized American higher education, and what can be done about them.