Recent Articles

The Scandal That Couldn’t be Swept Away

The University of Washington is back in the hot seat after audio recording reveals deeper scandal surrounding diversity hiring and leadership decisions

Event: Constitution Day Symposium

An exploration of the anti-Constitutional ideas that have seized American higher education, and what can be done about them.s

Professor Alleges "Widespread" Discriminatory Hiring Coverup at University of Washington

Audio acquired by the National Association of Scholars describes allegations of coverup race-based hiring coverup at the University of Washington

VIDEO: Reforming Federal Science Policy

A presentation of the NAS Model Science Policy Code, a comprehensive blueprint for Federal policymakers to reform federal science policy.

Most Recent from Minding The Campus

California Legislative Meeting Starts with Prayer, Ends with Burying Science

Last month, California assemblyman James C. Ramos started a state legislative meeting with a prayer; it was appropriate for a meeting that would end with the funeral of anthropology in California.......

The Devil's Stage: How DEI Has Replaced God in Modern Culture

The arts, once a rich cultural expression boasting the proverbial “moral of the story,” are corrupt! “Foul deeds will rise, though all the earth o’erwhelm them, to men’s eyes,” wrote William Shakes......


China and Our Children

This report fills a gap in previous work by examining how the Chinese Communist Party uses language as a tool of asymmetric warfare, and its deployed effects in the United States. Confucius Class......

DEI and Maryland College Campuses

This report surveys the diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and administrative initiatives at 12 University System of Mayland campuses.

The Franklin Standards

These model K-12 state science standards seek to restore informed and disciplined curiosity to American science education, along with the spirit and the rigor of America's first great scientist an......

The Illusion of Institutional Neutrality

College presidents often come under the spotlight for their political pronouncements or lack thereof. Since college presidents must contend with difficult issues of morality, principle, and politics a......


September 10, 2024

The Scandal That Couldn’t be Swept Away

The University of Washington is back in the hot seat after audio recording reveals deeper scandal surrounding diversity hiring and leadership decisions...

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September 3, 2024

Students Join the Boycott Craze

Sarah Lawrence College Professor Samuel J. Abrams boycotted for pro-Israel opinion....

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August 27, 2024

A Donkey Walks into Class

An assessment of the Democratic Party's higher education platform....

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AAUP Trades Academic Freedom for Boycotts

The AAUP's new statement on boycotts places academic freedom on the backburner for temporary political gain.

Education Department Shuts Down Foreign Funds Database

The sudden shutdown of the interactive database on foreign funds sparks questions that are left unanswered by the Education Department. 

Press Releases

Press Release: Scholars Publish Comprehensive Model Science Policy Code

This Code provides lawmakers with a blueprint to reform federal science policy by ensuring that federal law facilitates best existing practices and reproducibility in government-funded science.

Press Release: NAS Publishes a Better Foreign Funds Database

The National Association of Scholars has released a new, comprehensive foreign funds database.


Event: Constitution Day Symposium

An exploration of the anti-Constitutional ideas that have seized American higher education, and what can be done about them.s

Event: Reforming Federal Science Policy

A presentation of the NAS Model Science Policy Code, a comprehensive blueprint for Federal policymakers to reform federal science policy.