March 4, 2010

Congratulations to Composer and NAS Leader Daniel Asia

Ashley Thorne

Today the Academy of Arts and Letters announced its 2010 music award winners. NAS is pleased to report that Daniel Asia, gifted composer and our Arizona affiliate president, has received the Academy......

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March 4, 2010

Sustainability Links

Ashley Thorne

Articles of note on campus sustainability - of special note is UF's "40 days of change" leading up to Earth Day. Is Earth Day the new Easter?

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March 4, 2010

Unimaginable Calamity

Peter Wood

How does global warming doctrine's foothold in higher education fit with the integrity of science?

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March 4, 2010

March Forth

Peter Wood

Today thousands of students at universities around the country and especially on California campuses are rallying to protest tuition hikes in public higher education. College costs have indeed become......

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March 3, 2010

Diversity or Bust

Glenn Ricketts

There's a piece in today's Chronicle of Higher Education which glows with admiration for the tenacious, aggressive and ultimately successful efforts of Rochester Institute of Technology to "......

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March 3, 2010

CSU-Chico Announcement: Baby Steps to Sustainability

Ashley Thorne

NAS takes an interest in the internal messages communicated on campus. One message we've noticed is a push to get students and employees to make small changes in their daily habits: to give up b......

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March 3, 2010

My Retrospective on the PBS College Debate

George Leef

In this week's Pope Center Clarion Call is my retrospective on the debate I participated in last week. The question was the supposed need for the US to graduate more students from college in ord......

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March 3, 2010

The Data-Driven Classroom

David Clemens

I am still jazzed by the techno-pitchman’s hype last week about clickers, assessment, and SLOs, and I know clickers are the future of edubiz!  Clickers generate tsunamis of admin&......

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March 3, 2010

Chivalry Lives: An Interview with Blayne Bennett

Ashley Thorne

Gentlemanliness is not dead; it's just dormant, says the Network of enlightened Women.

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

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