March 9, 2010

Reply to Bruff

David Clemens

Dr. Derek Bruff takes issue with my satire on the use of clickers (“The Data-Driven Classroom,” March 3, 2010).  His comments, professional and sincere, are also provocative at a ti......

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March 9, 2010

Fewer Administrators Than Faculty Members Saw Pay Cuts Last Year

Ashley Thorne

So reports Robert Shibley at FIRE. He writes: [T]his serves as evidence that the emphasis of the modern university seems more and more to be on regulating students (not just their behavior, but th......

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March 9, 2010

Support an NAS Intern, Revive Our Colleges

Ashley Thorne

Check out our new Facebook Causes page to raise funds for an NAS intern! Please consider joining the cause and donating as you are able. We'd love......

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March 9, 2010

Harvard Feminists Come Out

Glenn Ricketts

It's Women's History Month, and performances of Vagina Monologues seem to be ubiquitous, as we endeavor to advance the cause of women in the higher learning. Based on the content I've se......

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March 9, 2010

California High School Compelled Students to Protest

Ashley Thorne

At Oceana High, all students were to join in the March 4 activism, to the loss of an entire day of education.

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March 8, 2010

Help Wanted at Your Local Tea Party

Mitchell Langbert

I have attended two "Tea Party" meetings of the Kingston/Rhinebeck Tea Party.  About forty people attended the  first meeting and about 75 attended the second.   Given that the m......

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March 8, 2010

Obama's 'Race to the Half-Mark' Education Reforms?

Candace de Russy

Journalist Michael Gerson gives the president an A+ for his efforts to reform education. But wait. What's the word about how these efforts are shaping up in New York State? Recently it was......

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March 8, 2010

Reply to Dave Taylor Re: March Forth

Peter Wood

A response to a comment on the NAS article "March Forth."

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March 8, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond! Kevin Carey's Race to Over-the-Top

Ashley Thorne

Kevin Carey offers some overreaching reform ideas that line up with President Obama's goal to make the United States the most higher-educated nation in the world by 2020.

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March 5, 2010 Articles for 3/1/10 Week

Ashley Thorne

Check out this week's articles at Member Alert We want to make sure you are receiving your issues of Academic Questions on time. Let us know if you've had any problems with your sub......

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