March 11, 2010

Critical Discourse at Princeton

Glenn Ricketts

Remember Sex Week at Yale last month? I know it's over until next year, but take heart: Princeton is apparently maintaining Ivy League standards with a talk on pornography by a real pro -"femini......

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March 11, 2010

The Higher Ed = Economic Growth Myth

George Leef

Today's Wall Street Journal has a letter from Rep. John Garamendi (D - CA) who says that he's siding with the protesting students because raising tuition is "bad economics." Why is it bad to......

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March 11, 2010

Anger's Not the Answer: Peter Wood on NPR

Ashley Thorne

Are you mad as hell and not going to take it anymore? Maybe you should reconsider, says NAS president Peter Wood.

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March 11, 2010

Disparate Impact and Higher Education: Here Comes the DOE

Glenn Ricketts

Since the 1971 Supreme Court case Griggs v. Duke Power Company, employers have been held liable for using hiring tests on which minorities perform worse than non-minorities. The liability may become g......

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March 11, 2010

The Liberal Arts Belong in Liberal Democracy: A Response to Martha Nussbaum

Keith Whitaker

Nussbaum’s apparent defense of the liberal arts turns out to be just another rallying cry for diversity and socialism. But the liberal arts should give citizens the knowledge to understand the w......

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March 10, 2010

NAS Members, Are You Getting AQ on Time?

Ashley Thorne

Cross posted from NAS members, have you been getting your issues of Academic Questions on time? We have received some complaints from members who did not get issues or who have receiv......

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March 10, 2010

10 Myths That the University Doesn't Let Die

Ashley Thorne

At the Pope Center, Jay Schalin has a great article listing 10  discredited ideas propagated by colleges and universities. He says academics "tend to live in a theoretical universe, while......

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March 10, 2010

Obama-Care Meets Obama-Ed

Peter Wood

The health care bill isn't the only government takeover Obama is seeking to pass through "reconciliation." He's also looking to take control of the student loan industry.

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March 10, 2010

Expanding Enrollments, Declining Standards: American Higher Ed Prepares to Take the Plunge

Peter Wood

Do we really want to do to higher education what we have to K-12 education? We might achieve the hollow boast of the most college-credentialed citizenry in the world who also happen to be among the......

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March 10, 2010

Is NAS Anti-Science? A Reply to a Critic

Peter Wood

NAS responds to accusations leveled at our article on Al Gore and global warming science.

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