10 Myths That the University Doesn't Let Die

Ashley Thorne

  • Article
  • March 10, 2010

At the Pope Center, Jay Schalin has a great article listing 10 discredited ideas propagated by colleges and universities. He says academics "tend to live in a theoretical universe, while the rest of America deals with real things with real consequences." These are the myths he lists (see original article for his commentary on each):

  1. There is no liberal bias in academia.
  2. Everybody should go to college.
  3. Academia is more noble than the business community.
  4. Diversity makes everything better.
  5. All faculty research is necessary and/or important.
  6. Academic freedom means anything goes.
  7. Higher education drives the economy.
  8. Natural aptitude doesn't matter.
  9. Morality is relative.
  10. All cultures are equally good.

As we have seen with Marxism, after radical movements lose credibility and die in the world at large, they remain in higher education and continue to shape the worldview of rising generations. This will also most likely be the case with the rising "sustainability" trend on campus.

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