January 14, 2011

For-Profit Colleges on the Brink, Part 2

Peter Wood

Peter Wood continues his series examining the case for preserving for-profits.

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January 13, 2011

MLA Lingo Bingo

David Clemens

I tried, but it is nearly impossible to parody the Modern Language Association (MLA) Convention’s yearly orgy of political correctness, anti-capitalism, and Theory, just concluded in Los Angel......

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January 13, 2011

Political Correctness Being Replaced by Vapid "Scholasticism"

Ashley Thorne

In an article on Minding the Campus, Mary Grabar cites a recent article from NAS's journal Academic Questions, "The Other Danger...Scholasticism in Academic Research." 

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January 13, 2011

For-Profit Colleges on the Brink

Peter Wood

Peter Wood reviews the Obama administration’s assault on for-profit colleges in the first of a series.

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January 12, 2011

Series Asks "Should Liberal Arts Supporters Care About For-Profit Ed?"

Ashley Thorne

NAS president Peter Wood has written a four-part series considering the value of the for-profit higher education sector, and whether those who care about the liberal arts should also care about the......

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January 12, 2011

A Comment on My "Dumbing Down" Piece

George Leef

Annonymous Comment: In order to obtain my "Professional License" in order to be allowed to keep teaching, I have to take a bunch of inane Graduate Ed School classes.  In order to pay for those......

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January 12, 2011

Education Schools and the Dumbing Down of the Teaching of Literature

George Leef

There's a strong trend toward assigning students books that are easy and fun, then giving them written assignments that don't call for serious analysis. 

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January 12, 2011

High School Research Papers and the New York Times

Ashley Thorne

An article on Will Fitzhugh and The Concord Review mischaracterizes the NAS but brings needed attention to the "dying art of the research paper."

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January 11, 2011

NAS Defends Freedom of Speech and Conscience in Ward v. Wilbanks

NAS filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case Ward v. Wilbanks, in favor of counseling student Julea Ward, who was expelled from Eastern Michigan State University for expressing her religious co......

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January 11, 2011

Academic Questions Authors in New York Times Peer Review Debate

Ashley Thorne

Stanley Trimble, Bill McKelvey, and Mohamed Gad-el-Hak draw on their findings in a recent AQ essay to contribute to a "Room for Debate" discussion on the publication of controversial research.

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