January 18, 2011

AQ Author Toby Huff Cited in New York Times

Ashley Thorne

The New York Times recently ran an article by Edward Rothstein ("To Each His Own Museum, as Identity Goes on Display") about museum exhibitions that seek to vindicate certain groups' h......

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January 18, 2011

Many College Students Learn Little

George Leef

So says this USA Today article, reporting on the findings of a recent book entitled Academically Adrift. No surprise here. 

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January 18, 2011

How Writing a Sonnet Helps Students Learn English

George Leef

In today's Pope Center piece, Troy Camplin explains the benefits of giving students a seemingly outmoded and irrelevant writing assignment -- composing a sonnet. 

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January 18, 2011

Sustainability as Conservative Ideology

Mitchell Langbert

Environmentalist ideology in the guise of sustainability is everywhere. It is pap. The words sustainability, conservation and conservatism are linked. They suggest protection of the status quo. Unti......

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January 18, 2011

The Folly of Team Projects

Jason Fertig

Stick to individual assignments, counsels Jason Fertig. Group work often produces shoddy results and unfair grades, and rarely does it create "synergy."

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January 18, 2011

Examining For-Profits and Cost Structure

Peter Wood

Continuing his series on for-profit colleges, Peter Wood sees an advantage in their pared-down offerings in the context of spiraling higher-education costs.

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January 18, 2011

For-Profits Break the Monopoly on What a College Can Be

Peter Wood

In the final piece of his four-part series, Peter Wood argues that the United States needs the versatility that the for-profit sector provides.

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January 17, 2011

Second Guesses in Tucson

Glenn Ricketts

There's a piece in today's Inside Higher Education raising the question of whether more could have been done to prevent the recent shooting rampage in Arizona, that left six dead. In my expe......

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January 14, 2011

Duke Gang of 88 Member to NEH

George Leef

A Pope Center piece tells of President Obama's appointing Duke professor Cathy Davidson, a "Gang of 88" member who was champing at the bit to have the accused lacrosse players punished for a cri......

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January 14, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

In this week's roundup, student newshawks ruminate on marriage equality, expurgated literary classics and presidential memoirs.

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