January 3, 2011

Estimated 40 Percent of Scientists Doubt Manmade Global Warming

S. Fred Singer said in an interview with the NAS that

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January 3, 2011

The Father of Global Warming Skepticism: An Interview with S Fred Singer

Ashley Thorne

The atmospheric physicist and leading scientific skeptic of anthropocentric global warming speaks out about his role in the climate change debate.

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December 30, 2010

No Good Guys in This Fight

George Leef

The for-profit higher education industry doesn't always deserve opprobrium.

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December 30, 2010

Ask a Scholar: Can I Get into B School Without a Double Major?

Scott Masten

If I don't have a double major, will it hurt my MBA application chances?

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December 30, 2010

Ask a Scholar: Time for Business School?

Jason Fertig

Jason Fertig argues that the MBA is not the golden ticket it once was.

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December 30, 2010

Is Academic Freedom a License to Indoctrinate?

Peter Wood

The more license faculty members take to act like political agents in the classroom, the more society will treat them as just that.

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December 29, 2010

Federal Aid Helps Schools, Not Students

George Leef

That's among the arguments Reason's Katherine Mangu-Ward makes in this piece.

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December 29, 2010

The Pope Center's Top Ten List

George Leef

The top ten higher education-related events over the last decade, that is. Here is our list.

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December 29, 2010

"Popular Culture and the Academy" AQ Issue in Print

Ashley Thorne

The winter issue of Academic Questions looks at the ways pop culture affects higher education today.

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December 29, 2010

A Playground of Words and Ideas

Peter Wood

Peter Wood looks at Google’s new database of digitized books and shares some lessons on diversity.

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