December 21, 2010

Collegiate Press Roundup 12-21-10

Glenn Ricketts

Student journalists write about Wikileaks, ethical dilemmas, bilious feminists and campus hate crimes.

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December 20, 2010

The Value of the College Degree

Ashley Thorne

Is college worth it just because recent grads say it is? There's more to it than the study shows, writes Jason Fertig at

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December 20, 2010

The Diversity Camel Gets Its Nose Under the Engineering Tent

George Leef

An engineering professor writes about the incursion of political correctness into the field of engineering.

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December 20, 2010

More Fuzzy Math: Alumni Satisfaction

Jason Fertig

Is college worth it just because recent grads say it is?

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December 20, 2010

Reforming Our Universities

Peter Wood

A review of David Horowitz's new book Reforming Our Universities: The Campaign for an Academic Bill of Rights.

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December 17, 2010

Sadly, Few Econ Students Ever Read Material Like This

George Leef

An excellent essay by Professor Christopher Westley of Jacksonville State University makes the case against the politicization of money and credit.

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December 17, 2010

Murray Sperber on Craig Brandon's The Five Year Party

George Leef

Professor Murray Sperber writes about Craig Brandon's The Five Year Party. 

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December 17, 2010

What Makes Academic Freedom Tick: A Reply to John K. Wilson

Steve Balch

Steve Balch replies to a critique of his recent article (with Ashley Thorne) on academic freedom and the controversy at Penn State.

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December 17, 2010

Undoing College

Jason Fertig

For students graduating this December, their real education is about to begin.

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December 16, 2010

A Radical Proposal for Re-Structuring Higher Ed


Pajamas Media has posted an article by "Publius Audax" proposing nineteen radical reforms. which force on us the question: is there any other way to restore teaching as the fundamental mission of th......

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