December 13, 2010

Multiculturalism is Over

Ashley Thorne

NAS member Roger Scruton asserts that the hypocrisies of multiculturalism have finally led to its decline.

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December 13, 2010

Who Owns Philanthropy?

Peter Wood

Peter Wood responds to the Greenlining Institute on the threats to voluntary philanthropic giving.

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December 10, 2010

What a Dull School Cal Tech Must Be

George Leef

How do the Cal Tech students ever learn about students who are different from themselves?  How do they ever manage to overcome their biases and learn to celebrate diversity?"

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December 10, 2010

What's the Value of Freshman Composition Courses?

George Leef

Here's an essay about a composition course at UNC that was a waste of time.  No student, who wanted to improve his writing, would buy a course like this in a stand-alone, free market transa......

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December 10, 2010

Court Dismisses Challenge to Prop. 209

Ashley Thorne

A federal court dismissed a lawsuit attempting to overturn California's law banning racial preferences.

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December 10, 2010

Collegiate Press Roundup 12-10-10

Glenn Ricketts

Student journalists have a look at violent video games, the year in politics and the dismal state of American science and math education.

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December 10, 2010

Were Samoans Promiscuous?

Peter Wood

Peter Wood revisits the anthropological Mead-Freeman controversy over Samoa and considers Paul Shankman

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December 9, 2010

WikiLeaks Cables Bolster Views of Climate Skeptics

Candace de Russy

Domestic political considerations far surpassed concerns about scientific grounding in negotiations at the Copenhagen climate conference. Charlie Martin describes how the leaks "confirm the dark sus......

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December 9, 2010

Radio: Sustainability in Higher Education

Ashley Thorne

NAS speaks out about the ideological character of the sustainability movement.

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December 9, 2010

The American Academy for Liberal Education and Leviathan

Steve Balch

How the federal government threatens the future of the sole voice representing traditional liberal education among accrediting agencies.

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