
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

April 21, 2014

Are young Americans who don't go to college "penalizing" themselves?

George Leef

College degrees aren't becoming more valuable, but their glut is confining those who don't have them to a shrinking, low-pay sector of the labor market.

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April 15, 2014

DeJong in Commentary Mag on Campus Sustainability Nudging

National Association of Scholars

NAS research associate Rachelle DeJong has published an article in Commentary Magazine on the behavioral modification inherent in the campus sustainability movement. 

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April 14, 2014

Diversity Is a Sugar-Coated Lemon

Ashley Thorne

If colleges were at least honest about censoring opinions they don't like, would we be any better off?

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April 14, 2014

Brandeis Ought to Be Ashamed

George Leef

In its failure to engage a pluralism of views, Brandeis has reinforced a bad trend in American education.

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April 12, 2014

Prager U: God vs. Atheism: Which is More Rational?

Jason Fertig

Boston College professor of philosophy Peter Kreeft presents arguments for the existence of God.

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