
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

April 23, 2014

Dartmouth’s Freedom Budget: Peaceful Protest, or Intolerant Tolerance?

Marilee Turscak

Dartmouth president Philip Hanlon hopes to tame the tempers of Freedom Budget activists, but it remains to be seen whether he can truly transform the college.

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April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day

Rachelle Peterson

How many institutions of higher education are celebrating Earth Day?

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April 22, 2014

Prager U: The Government vs. the American Character

Jason Fertig

Explosions in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other welfare programs are changing the American character for the worse—from one that focuses on individual responsibility and giving, to......

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April 22, 2014

Outside the 'Consensus'—Notes of a Climate Change 'Denier'

Peter Wood

With regard to climate change, the academy enforces a hardened orthodoxy with increasing determination.

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April 21, 2014

Bowdoin's Double Bogey

Peter Wood

"Bowdoin has a bad conscience. It knows that it has made some wrong turns but it doesn't like hearing that from a stranger."

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