
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

April 4, 2014

Common Complaints

Peter Wood

Dr. Wood replies to Sol Stern and discusses the ways in which the Common Core will harm students and lower standards.

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April 3, 2014

What I Learned in Sustainability School

Rachelle Peterson

Rachelle DeJong recounts her final thoughts on an eight-week MOOC on Sustainability.

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April 2, 2014

Fast-Track Higher Ed?

Rachelle Peterson

Despite technological advances that have made most other industries more efficient, "path dependency" has kept higher education stuck in the past. Can MOOCs be the solution?

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March 31, 2014

Common Core Mathematics Standards

Sandra Stotsky

Professor William McCallum remarks on college readiness in Common Core’s mathematics standards at a meeting sponsored by the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of Ame......

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March 28, 2014

Debunking Common Core Myths

Sandra Stotsky

Common Core expert Sandra Stotsky offers facts about the Common Core to set the record straight. 

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