
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

April 30, 2014

Where do preferential policies stand now?

George Leef

"It is no longer the case that Jim Crow–advantaged whites are being displaced by just-liberated African-Americans. Indeed, it is more and more the case that preferences are used to give an advan......

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April 29, 2014

Godzilla vs. Godot

Peter Wood

Godzilla and Godot have more in common than a first syllable. They are the two opposing faces of despair: a god that is pure wrath and a god that never shows up.

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April 29, 2014

Peter Wood Made Regular Contributor to Huffington Post

National Association of Scholars

Peter Wood will write regularly on higher education and intellectual culture. We encourage readers to visit his author page to engage with his work. 

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April 28, 2014

High Art Deserves a High Place in Higher Education

Peter Wood

Will the fine arts ever feel like native inhabitants of the university, or will they always be little guests?

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April 23, 2014

Unpersuasive book argues that higher education should have a leftist bias

George Leef

"It reminds me of Don Quixote. Lazere wants his friends to see how gloriously he jousts with and punctures all those horrible right-wingers. But Cervantes’s novel is entertaining; the pages of t......

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