
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 1, 2015

Stanley Fish, Divestment, and "The Student Assault on the Academy"

National Association of Scholars

Stanley Fish writes on the campus divestment movement and the role of the university.

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November 30, 2015

The Self-Defeating Claim that Women and Minorities are Weak and Fragile

George W. Dent

The desire for "safe spaces" is an affirmation of weakness that is false and pernicious.

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November 25, 2015

Dear Future Adjunct

David Randall

NAS director of communications David Randall advises current and future adjunct professors. 

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November 23, 2015

The Guilted Age

Thomas Dineen

Thomas Dineen tells how Debby Irving educated him on his whiteness.

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