
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 22, 2015

Peter Wood's Article in David Brooks' 2015 Sidney Awards

National Association of Scholars

New York Times columnist David Brooks recommended NAS president Peter Wood's Weekly Standard article "The Meaning of Sex" in his 2015 Sidney Awards.

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December 22, 2015

Where DINOs Rule

Rachelle Peterson

Activists vastly overstate fossil fuel divestment pledges. 

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December 22, 2015

Roses and Thorns: NAS's Top 10 List for 2015

Ashley Thorne

The National Association of Scholars remembers who stood out this year in higher education. 

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December 18, 2015

Sociology: Another Field that Needs Heterodoxy

George Leef

University of Central Florida Sociology Professor James Wright writes that sociology has also succumbed to groupthink and political correctness.

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December 18, 2015

UCLA Law Professor Rick Sander: The evidence that racial preferences do cause "mismatch"

George Leef

UCLA law professor Rick Sander writes about the importance of "mismatch" due to racial preferences.

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