July 22, 2009

Remembering Leszek Kolakowski, 1927-2009

Paul Hollander

Paul Hollander, NAS advisory board member and distinguished scholar of Marxism, reflects upon the intellectual career and contributions of Leszek Kolakowski, who passed away on July 17th.

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July 21, 2009

Wal-Mart's Eco-Index

Ashley Thorne

The retail giant teams up with the University of Arkansas and Arizona State University to find ways to measure products' social and environmental impact.

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July 17, 2009

Online Education: Off Base?

Glenn Ricketts

"Evidence" on value of distance ed doesn't convince everyone.

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July 16, 2009

A Safer Way to Squander

Ashley Thorne

President Obama announces the American Graduation Initiative, a $12 billion dollar fund for community colleges.

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July 15, 2009

Smell of Books

Ashley Thorne

In the age of the Kindle, Google Books, the iPhone, and audio books, have we lost something precious now that we can't smell what we read?

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July 10, 2009

NAS Website Brings the Facts to Light

Ashley Thorne

With the transformation of our website over the last year, we feel a bit as if we have emerged from a gloomy June into a warm sunny day.

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July 10, 2009

Woven Into the Fabric...No Comment

Ashley Thorne

"Approach sustainability as an issue woven into the fabric of every university, rather than as a passing fad."

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July 9, 2009

1% for Propaganda

Ashley Thorne

College presidents ask the Senate to help support sustainability education.

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

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