September 1, 2009

Seven Imaginary Curricula

Peter Wood

Most colleges don't seize the opportunity to do something original. We suggest they try a new approach, such as the labyrinth curriculum.

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August 27, 2009

Interim Report on Our Search for Political Books and Authors

Peter Wood

The results so far and a SURVEY you can take to help us narrow them down and straighten them out.

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August 26, 2009

Stanford Teacher Education Program Replies

Deborah Stipek

A statement by Stanford School of Education Dean Deborah Stipek responding to an article by Michele Kerr, a graduate of the education program.

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August 25, 2009

The Great Liberal Narrative...No Comment

Ashley Thorne

Video: How political correctness began in the Franfurt School and how the media nurtures it today.

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August 25, 2009

An Opinionated Pragmatist Survives Stanford

Michele Kerr

An education student's firsthand account of her time in a graduate program where she was expected to walk in lockSTEP.

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August 24, 2009

Welcome Freshmen!

Peter Wood

What you won't learn in freshmen orientation.

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August 21, 2009

Epic Fail, Yale

Ashley Thorne

A comment on Yale University Press's refusal to print controversial cartoons.

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August 21, 2009

How Charter Colleges Can Rekindle Innovation

Michael Block

Recalling a vision for freedom in higher education.

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

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Backlash: Sometimes It Hurts So Good

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