June 29, 2009

Old Ills, New Remedies: A Conversation with Diane Auer Jones

Carol Iannone

This interview appeared in the "Case Studies in Academic Maladies" issue of Academic Questions (vol. 22, no. 3)

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June 26, 2009

Name Dropping

Peter Wood

Michael Jackson blurs, Governor Sanford trips, Farrah Fawcett strolls, and fermions chill out. NAS rides the news cycle.

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June 26, 2009

2009 If I Ran the Zoo #5

Robert L. Jackson

Robert Jackson says the higher ed zoo needs a Great Conversation.

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June 25, 2009

Thursday Vert-Degree

Ashley Thorne

Green news: go asparaguses, intelligent life isn't sustainable in outer space either, and messages from AASHE.

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June 24, 2009

What's Critical about Critical Globalization Studies?

Peter Wood

This year a UC Santa Barbara professor sent an email to his class, comparing Israeli actions to those of the Nazis. But where did this professor's academic field, "critical globalization studies"......

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June 23, 2009

"Specious and Seducing": Alexander Hamilton on Group Preferences

Glenn Ricketts

Arizona puts a civil rights measure on the ballot for 2010. Alexander Hamilton comments.

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June 21, 2009

Gothic Arch and Ghost Town

Peter Wood

Princeton's gracious campus expresses confidence in the life of the mind; UMass Amherst's Chancellor cries uncle; a New Jersey ghost town points its bony finger.

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June 19, 2009

Endangered Colleges

Ashley Thorne

The U.S. Department of Education recently released a list of 114 private non-profit colleges that failed the Department

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June 18, 2009

Marching Forward

Ashley Thorne

An update on the military and higher education.

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June 18, 2009

ACTA Launches Campaign to Recognize Free Exchange of Ideas

Ashley Thorne

A new report from our sister organization commends colleges that foster intellectual diversity.

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