October 26, 2009

Reader Mail Re: Transformative Education

Ashley Thorne

A reader from Australia commented on Tom Wood's article "The Marriage of Affirmative Action and Transformative Education": This year, I was in a compulsory BA class that used transformative ed......

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October 26, 2009

Richard Steiner Responds

Richard Steiner

The University Alaska professor who was denied grant funding for engaging in sustainability advocacy responds to the NAS.

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October 23, 2009

Ideologues vs. Principles

Peter Wood

Check out my article at NAS.org, "Sustainability Skepticism Has Arrived." I juxtapose two news stories from this week on challenges to the sustainability doctrine: These stories are parallel. Both......

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October 23, 2009

Sustainability Skepticism Has Arrived

Ashley Thorne

Two controversies this week wrought an unexpected clash between sustainability ideologues and universities that decided to stand on fundamental principles of higher education.

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October 22, 2009

Happy Birthday FIRE

Ashley Thorne

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) today celebrates ten years ofdefending Constitutional rights on college campuses. Alan Charles Kors and Harvey Silverglate founded FIRE in 19......

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October 22, 2009

Is There Ever Any "Critical Thinking" About Social Justice?

George Leef

In this article, Ashley Thorne discusses the continuing vitality of the "social justice" crusade on many American campuses. I'd be willing to bet my last dollar that in these "social justice" pr......

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October 22, 2009

Building Sandcastles or Filling Holes?

Ashley Thorne

Andrew Smarick holds the White House accountable for its use of education stimulus funds.

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October 21, 2009

Colleges Celebrate Sustainability, aka Redressing "Maldistribution"

Ashley Thorne

Today is the seventh annual Campus Sustainability Day (CSD), a celebration invented by the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP), in collaboration with Second Nature. Second Nature, rem......

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October 21, 2009

Our Misplaced Faith in Accreditation

George Leef

Should a college lose accreditation just over a shaky financial situation? Should we use accreditation as the touchstone for eligibility for federal student aid funds? In this week's Pope Center......

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October 21, 2009

Higher Education And The Great Chain of Being

Mitchell Langbert

In the twentieth century, psychologists who studied  human resource management  realized that employment tests were the best way to select  job applicants.  Tests need to be veri......

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