October 16, 2009

At Least There's No Hidden Bias at This College

George Leef

The college I mean is the National Labor College, an accredited, degree-granting institution run by the AFL-CIO. In this Pope Center piece, I write about the NLC. The curriculum is pro-union through......

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October 16, 2009

The Dark Side of Diversity

Ashley Thorne

"Being white and straight, I felt doubly cursed with a dearth of fascinating material. What story could I tell to prove my worth?" One woman's college experience provides a glimpse at how the dive......

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October 15, 2009

Will Layoffs Be Based on Diversity?

Jonathan Bean

In recent weeks, the USA Today and National Public Radio have crowed that this recession is different: most of  those losing jobs were men (and predominantly white). This is "encouraging" accor......

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October 15, 2009

Found: A Fellow Sustainability-Challenger

Ashley Thorne

NAS has published an interview with Holly Swanson, the founder and director of an Oregon-based group called Operation Green Out! (the exclamation point is part of its name!). We first learned of&nbs......

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October 15, 2009

Kissel's Op-Ed on VT Faculty Litmus Test

Ashley Thorne

Adam Kissel, director of FIRE's Individual Rights Defense Program, has an excellent op-ed in the Virginia Tech student newspaper Collegiate Times, arguing that "the university often crosses the......

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October 15, 2009

Where Do I Begin? A Lot More Than Simple Ignorance

David Clemens

At my college alone: a writing professor reports that his students think Martin Luther King Jr. fought against slavery; a history teacher says that "a good student” believes that the......

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October 15, 2009

An Interview with Holly Swanson

Ashley Thorne

An Oregon-based organization called Operation Green Out! works “to get green politics out in the open and out of the classroom.”

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October 14, 2009

What Really Matters in Higher Ed

Ashley Thorne

This week the Chronicle of Higher Education has a special section on “Diversity in Academe.” One article featured there, “Diversity Takes a Hit During Tough Times,” (subscripti......

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October 14, 2009

Peace, Love, and Sustainability

Ashley Thorne

Sustainatopians already have an international symbol of allegiance. The three-finger salute is "peace plus one," and represents the three pillars of sustainability (take your pick): Society, Ec......

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October 14, 2009

Leach's Big Reach

Ashley Thorne

Jim Leach, the new chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, wants to correct Americans' "disrespectful" attitude towards Muslim culture by giving the NEH a new theme: "Bridging Cul......

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

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