November 6, 2009

The Chico Romance

Ashley Thorne

A sustainability conference at CSU-Chico prompts a concerned letter. NAS spots some good reasons for concern.

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November 6, 2009

Message to Ed Schools: Practice What You Teach

Ashley Thorne

Teachers-in-training should learn something before they begin teaching. But they should not learn just anything.

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November 6, 2009

Response to Mitchell

Jonathan Smith

After NAS posted Academic Questions article "Remapping Geography," Don Mitchell offered a response to the authors, Jonathan M. Smith and Jim Norwine. Here Professor Smith responds to Mitchell.

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November 5, 2009

NAS Articles This Week

Ashley Thorne

Check out the NAS articles from this week so far! Remapping Geography, Jonathan M. Smith and Jim Norwine, Nov. 2 On the state of academic geography today, from a forthcoming issue of Academic Q......

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November 5, 2009

Academic Freedom Forum

Peter Wood

This article, originally posted at, is a response, added to those of others, to University of Chicago president Robert Zimmer's recent speech on academic freedom.

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November 5, 2009

Response to Smith and Norwine on Remapping Geography

Don Mitchell

Dr. Don Mitchell, author of Cultural Geography: A Critical Introduction who was mentioned in Professors Smith and Norwine's Academic Questions article "Remapping Geography," offers a response to......

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November 4, 2009

On the Beauty of Formal Grammar

Ashley Thorne

A charming blog on our blogroll, Quiddity - created by the Center for Independent Research on Classical Education (CiRCE) - has an excellent post on the beauty of formally-taught grammar.......

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November 4, 2009

Accused Professor Reinstated

Ashley Thorne

Thomas Thibeault, a professor of English at East Georgia College, was escorted from campus by police and suspended from teaching two days after he criticized the school's sexual harassment polic......

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November 4, 2009

Ideological Indoctrination in Public School

Mitchell Langbert

During the recent election season I met  two Republicans who told me about instances of Ulster County, NY public school teachers' using schools to ideologically brainwash children.  In......

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November 4, 2009

George Lakoff's New Happiness: Politics after Rationality

John B. Parrott

This article by John B. Parrott on the ideas and contemporary influence of Berkeley professor George Lakoff appeared in the "Academic Revisionism" issue of Academic Questions (vol. 22, no. 4).

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