October 5, 2010

Good People Can Differ

Jason Fertig

Presenting both sides of controversies begins with recognizing that an opponent is not a “bad person."

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October 4, 2010

NAS in the New York Times on Attribution and the Star-Tribune on Common Reading

Ashley Thorne

New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane consulted the NAS for his article, "Scholarly Work, Without All the Footnotes," published yesterday: Peter W. Wood, an anthropologist who is president......

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October 4, 2010

The Next Michael Moore?

George Leef

The Chronicle Review has a scurrilous piece by one Charles Ferguson, who is a documentary film director. His targets are 1) Larry Summers; 2) academic economists generally; and 3) anything that sugg......

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October 4, 2010

Legacy Preferences Are Bad; So Are Racial Preferences

George Leef

In today's Pope Center piece, I respond to a recent NYT article by Richard Kahlenberg in which he argues against legacy preferences in college admissions. I think the case  against legacy p......

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October 1, 2010

Opinion vs. Fact in Higher Ed - Are All Opinions Worthy of an Audience?

Ashley Thorne

Peter Wood takes on this question in "Nouveau Relativism in Academe": What is the proper status of “opinion” in the university, as opposed to fact, established knowledge, theory,......

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October 1, 2010

Tuition Talks and a Voice of Reason at the SC Higher Education Summit

Christina Jeffrey

NAS board member Christina Jeffrey spoke on behalf of the NAS at the Summit. Here's her report on parents' and colleges' frustrations, the state governor's composure, and a bureaucra......

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September 30, 2010

Fashion and the Oil Spill

Peter Wood

Good news for those who have eagerly awaited academe’s considered responses to last summer’s Gulf oil spill.  And even better news for those who have been eagerly awaiting how the D......

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September 30, 2010

Getting Diversity Right

Ashley Thorne

NAS contributing author Jason Fertig rejoiced when he read a student's essay on the meaning of diversity and how it contributes to organizations' success. She wrote that diversity should req......

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September 30, 2010

Thoughts on Campus Bottled Water Bans

Ashley Thorne

Scott Carlson, a blog author for the Chronicle of Higher Education, has a dogmatic article on college bottled-water bans. Here's the comment I posted on it: I wrote about the anti-bot......

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September 30, 2010

On Having the Right Academic Credentials

George Leef

Historian Tom Woods here discusses his kerfuffle with Indiana University when a student group wanted him to speak on his book regarding the recent economic crisis. The university initially said no o......

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

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