October 12, 2010

Academic Retrenchment and Political Strategies in New York


A call to readers to contact New York's gubernatorial candidates about the massive cuts to foreign language at SUNY Albany.

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October 11, 2010

Sometimes They're Right, But Don't Call Them Scholars!

George Leef

That seems to be the dismissive approach of The New York Times when it turns out that a professor who favors the free market and opposes crony capitalism is proven to be right. Professor Jonathan Be......

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October 8, 2010

Texas Blazes the Transparency Trail

Candace de Russy

Texan professors who thrive on taxpayer funding are irate about a state law that requires them to make course content clear to students before the latter ......

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October 8, 2010

Jobs for College Grads

George Leef

Michael Mandel notes in this post that among recent college grads who have employment, the greatest number have government jobs. They probably produce little or no value; what they do may in fact im......

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October 8, 2010

Re: The Next Michael Moore?

George Leef

Economics professor Steven Horwitz has written an article for the Foundation for Economic Education taking further issue with the scurrilous piece I mentioned here on Monday. Like so many others who......

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October 8, 2010

Crossing the Rapids: Young Conservatives on College Life

Peter Wood

A review of the new anthology Proud to Be Right.

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October 8, 2010

Wimp Out: Review of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Keith Whitaker

The contemporary sequel to the 1980s original, this is a film of spineless characters without much character.

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October 8, 2010

Collegiate Press Roundup 10-8-10

Glenn Ricketts

Student journalist size up various issues, from vanishing academic libraries to the legalization of marijuana.

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October 5, 2010

For Some People, Community Colleges Are Better

Ashley Thorne

According to The Chronicle this afternoon: An overwhelming majority of Americans say it is better for some students to go to community colleges instead of four-year colleges and universities, acco......

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October 5, 2010

Governor Schwarzenegger Vetoes Racial Preferences Bill

John Ellis

A victory for the California Association of Scholars, who argued against a bill that would have legalized racial, ethnic, and gender discrimination.

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