October 17, 2012

Jennifer Gratz Reflects on the Battle Over Racial Preferences

George Leef

The successful plaintiff in the case against the University of Michigan's undergraduate racial preferences writes about the recently argued Fisher case before the Supreme Court.

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October 15, 2012

Eugene Genovese, 1930-2012

Glenn Ricketts

An outstanding scholar and fearless defender of academic integrity passes from the scene.

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October 15, 2012

Advocate of Western Civilization Finds a Home for His Ideas at Texas Tech's Honors College

Peter Monaghan

Stephen H. Balch, a longtime leader at the National Association of Scholars, has found a university where he can apply what he believes.

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October 12, 2012

Fox Special Report Re-run Times

Ashley Thorne

If you missed the first broadcast, you can see it at these times.

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October 12, 2012

Tom Wolfe the Keynote Speaker for NAS Conference 2013

Crystal Plum

Journalist and author Tom Wolfe will speak at NAS's conference in March.

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October 11, 2012

NAS Founder Stephen H. Balch Takes New Role in Western Civilization Institute

PRESS RELEASE: NAS founder Stephen H. Balch launches a new Institute for the Study of Western Civilization at Texas Tech University.

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October 11, 2012

A Degree that Students Can Afford

Crystal Plum

A recent report shows a decline in college enrollment due to a weak economy. Texas Gov. Perry hopes to offer a more affordable option with the $10,00 degree.

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October 11, 2012

The Middle Class and Governance

William H. Young

William Young discusses the economic straitening of the middle class.

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

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Professor Alleges "Widespread" Discriminatory Hiring Coverup at University of Washington

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