November 21, 2012

One Professor's Course on Conservative Thought

George Leef

Professor George Ehrhardt writes about his political science course.

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November 20, 2012

Racial Color-Blindness Won't Defend Itself

Peter Wood

Peter Wood reflects on the recent decision by the Sixth Circuit Court to strike down Michigan's ban on racial preferences in admission to public universities. He considers that we can't take......

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November 19, 2012

Reactions to Court Decision Overturning Michigan Affirmative Action Ban

National Association of Scholars

Scholars offer preliminary thoughts on the Sixth Circuit Appeals Court ruling overturning a voter approved ban on affirmative action policies.

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November 19, 2012

Don't Worry Too Much About the Higher Ed Bubble

Peter Wood

Wood takes seriously the threats to higher education, but offers reason for some hope.  

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November 15, 2012

Lingua Latina Manet in Aeternum

Glenn Ricketts

A suppposedly "dead" language actually seems pretty lively.

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November 15, 2012

Indoctrinating Students Isn't Easy

Peter Wood

Cash incentives are used at UCLA to reinforce the sustainability movement.

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November 15, 2012

Democratic Engagement and Governance: Part I

William H. Young

William Young compares traditional republican governmental principles with the current democratic engagement initiatives promoted on college campuses.

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November 14, 2012

New NAS Directors Nominated

John Irving

The yearly incremental vote on new directors of the National Association of Scholars takes place in mid-December at a meeting of the board.

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November 13, 2012

Prager U: Free Market Morality

Jason Fertig

Is the free market morally superior or inferior to other economic systems?

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November 9, 2012

Fellowship Positions with The James Madison Program

Crystal Plum

The James Madison Program invites scholars to apply for its Fellowship positions.

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