
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

September 20, 2010

CUNY Affiliate Urges Common Reading Transparency

Dorothy Lang

The CUNY Association of Scholars gives Brooklyn College three recommendations for improving its freshman book assignment.

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September 17, 2010

Better Books for Next Year's Beaches

Ashley Thorne

Remember the Beach Books report on common reading programs? It showed that U.S. colleges and universities are generally picking lightweight, politically biased books as yearlong "theme" books for stud......

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September 17, 2010

Read These Instead: Better Books for Next Year's Beaches

Peter Wood

NAS's picks for college common reading programs.

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September 17, 2010

A Call for Open-Mindedness or a Culture War Maneuver?

Peter Wood

The AAC&U's new report, "Engaging Diverse Viewpoints," styles itself as an appeal for intellectual diversity but is full of politically correct buzzwords.

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September 16, 2010

Preserving Newman's Legacy

Candace de Russy

The Cardinal Newman Society has officially launched an ambitious, multi-faceted new "legacy" project to help preserve more than 10,000 manuscripts handwritten by the 19th-century theologian John......

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