
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

September 24, 2010

College Board Reports, "Education Pays," But Others Aren't Convinced

Ashley Thorne

This week the Chronicle of Higher Education reports a new study by the College Board that offers evidence that the more educated you are, the more money you're likely to earn over a lifetime. Qu......

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September 24, 2010

Will the Diversity Mania Ever End?

George Leef

Maybe, but it's still growing like mad. Consider John Rosenberg's new essay on Minding the Campus, on the efforts college administrators are making to solve the supposed problem of insuffici......

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September 24, 2010

Back from the Beach: 100 New Books

Ashley Thorne

NAS's updated database is the most reliable and current resource on American college common reading.

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September 23, 2010

Collegiate Press Roundup 9-23-10

Glenn Ricketts

Student journalists assess the war in Afghanistan, gender inclusive dorms and the cold reality of a college education.

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September 22, 2010

Making a Profit Doesn't Make You a Villain

George Leef

In today's Pope Center Clarion Call, Hillsdale economics professor Gary Wolfram discusses the recent study on for-profit higher education published by the Center for College Affordability and Pr......

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