
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

September 28, 2010

Penn State Censors Criticism of Islamic Extremism

Candace de Russy

From the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: A new short film by FIRE documents the experience of Penn State student artist Joshua Stulman, whose "Portraits of Terror" art exh......

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September 28, 2010

Mandatory Rape Lecture for Male Freshmen at Hamilton College

Ashley Thorne

Male freshmen will be instructed tonight by "a national leader in social justice and sustainability education."

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September 27, 2010

A Variety of...Minds? One Student Gets Diversity Right

Jason Fertig

An unorthodox response to the essay question "What is the definition of diversity?"

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September 27, 2010

Nouveau Relativism in Academe

Peter Wood

Further thoughts on the AAC&U’s praise of ‘perspective-taking.’

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September 24, 2010

Lumina Foundation Pushes a Higher Ed Great Leap Forward

Ashley Thorne

Another report out this week is the Indianapolis-based Lumina Foundation's 116-page account of how far the U.S. must go to meet the Foundation's goal of "increasing the proportion of American......

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