
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 14, 2012

Higher Ed and Plato's Cave

George Leef

American higher ed is like Plato's parable of the cave.

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March 14, 2012

Oxford and Columbia: Depth and Breadth

Thomas Dineen

Thomas Dineen compares his education at Oxford with that at Columbia and finds that the universities represent two systems with separate sets of values and attitudes. 

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March 13, 2012

Professors Also Need to be Students

Jason Fertig

When you spend the bulk of your time driving, it's easy to forget how the car looks from the passenger seat.

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March 13, 2012

College for All: Obama's Higher Ed Agenda, Part 3 of 8

Peter Wood

Does higher education provide the only path to financial security, global comptetitiveness, personal fulfillment, and active citizenship?

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March 12, 2012

Choosing a Non-Ideological President to Lead Shimer College

Michael Strong

Shimer College has announced the appointment of a new president, Susan Henking, a feminist religious scholar.

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