
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 7, 2012

Conditions on Campus for Conservatives

George Leef

A conservative professor writes that things aren't really so bad; I take issue with him.

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March 6, 2012

Regulatory Overreach

Richard Vedder

Richard Vedder says the approval by the House of Representatives of a bill ending credit-hour and “state authorization” legislation is an important step in reining in the Obama administr......

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March 6, 2012

Should Universities Continue "Affirmative Action" Policies?

George Leef

George Leef and James Sterba debate the usefulness of "affirmative action" in contemporary college admissions.

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March 5, 2012

Princeton and Urbana Universities: A Tale of Two Schools

Richard Vedder

Tax policies favor rich colleges, even though small, struggling liberal-arts colleges probably make far better use of incremental private donations, says Richard Vedder.

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March 2, 2012

A Tribute to James Q. Wilson

Steve Balch

The NAS mourns the passing of James Q. Wilson, its friend, long-time advisor, and monumental figure in American social science.

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