June 8, 2021

1815: The Miracle at New Orleans

National Association of Scholars

Join NAS and our commentators, Donald Hickey, Brian Kilmeade, and Joseph F. Stoltz, on June 22nd at 2 pm ET as we discuss the final battle of the War of 1812.

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June 8, 2021

The Federal Student Loan System is to Blame for the Debt Crisis

David Acevedo

How a program intended to increase educational access has hurt American students.

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June 7, 2021

The Federal Student Loan System Isn't Worth It for Students or Taxpayers

Neetu Arnold

Policymakers must confront the stark reality that the federal student loan system is hopelessly broken. American students would be better off without it.

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June 7, 2021

Texas Makes History and Passes H.B. 3979

David Randall

Texas has just passed the first law in the country to bar both Action Civics and the key elements of Critical Race Theory.

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June 4, 2021

Introducing John Sailer, Keeping the Republic Project Lead

Peter Wood

Please join us in welcoming NAS's newest staff member.

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June 3, 2021

Conference Call: The Civics Alliance

National Association of Scholars

Join us for a conference call discussion on the latest issues in American civics and our new Civics Alliance resources.

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June 2, 2021

1803: Corps of Discovery: Lewis & Clark's Expedition West

National Association of Scholars

Join us on June 8th for a discussion of the goals and effects of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

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June 2, 2021

Video: Angle of Repose (Wallace Stegner)

National Association of Scholars

What does Stegner's writing tell us about the nature of place and the importance of understanding one's history? View the replay of our June 1 webinar to find out.

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June 1, 2021

In Memoriam: Foster Friess

National Association of Scholars

The National Association of Scholars mourns the passing of Foster S. Friess, a generous donor to NAS and many other organizations.

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June 1, 2021

Rubio Moves to Confront China, Senate Votes “Nay”

David Acevedo

When will federal lawmakers get serious about protecting American research?

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

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