June 5, 2008

Save It or Scrap It?

Peter Wood

Come the next presidency, what's to be done with No Child Left Behind?

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June 4, 2008

Wartime Thrift

Ashley Thorne

Book review: a British architect weighs in on the sustainability movement's anti-progress gospel.

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June 3, 2008

Virtuoso Violinists Beware Texas

Peter Wood

Texas, in the quest for diversity, tries to balance affirmative action and the top ten percent rule in college admissions.

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May 27, 2008

Political Correctness in the Science Classroom

Noretta Koertge

We are pleased to be the first to publish the following essay by Noretta Koertge, Professor emeritus in History & Philosophy of Science at Indiana University. Koertge drafted this article for and......

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May 23, 2008

Campus Speech Codes: Absurd, Tenacious, and Everywhere

Greg Lukianoff

Greg Lukianoff, the President for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, drafted the following article for and presented it at a conference on

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May 21, 2008


Ashley Thorne

A blogger aims to subvert NASW and social work ideologues.

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May 21, 2008

The Sweet Lemon Effect: College Grads Doubt Value of College Degrees-Except Their Own

Ashley Thorne

The American Council on Education released a survey showing that, although most people think that colleges in general charge unfair prices, most people also believe that their own alma mater charged t......

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Most Commented

June 6, 2024


Backlash: Sometimes It Hurts So Good

We have undermined the leftist status quo in higher education for decades with the persistence of Morlocks. You really should be more alarmed about us than you are. Not that I’m going......

July 30, 2024


Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

August 6, 2024


An Elephant Walks into Class

An assessment of the Republican higher education platform....

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May 15, 2015


Where Did We Get the Idea That Only White People Can Be Racist?

A look at the double standard that has arisen regarding racism, illustrated recently by the reaction to a black professor's biased comments on Twitter....

September 6, 2024


Professor Alleges "Widespread" Discriminatory Hiring Coverup at University of Washington

Audio acquired by the National Association of Scholars describes allegations of coverup race-based hiring coverup at the University of Washington...

October 12, 2010


Ask a Scholar: What is the True Definition of Latino?

What does it mean to be Latino? Are only Latin American people Latino, or does the term apply to anyone whose language derived from Latin?...