July 21, 2010

For Goodness Sake: Sustainability Ponders Ethics

Ashley Thorne

“Being sustainable has become more-or-less synonymous with being good,” two professors write. But even sustainability can be either virtuous or vulgar, depending on your motive.

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July 20, 2010

Academia Hostile to Conservatives? The Jury's Still Out

Ashley Thorne

Is there a strong bias against conservatives in higher education? Researchers have produced numerous studies to examine this question. They have sought to measure bias quantitatively through various......

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July 20, 2010

College Tuition vs. Home Prices vs. CPI...No Comment

Ashley Thorne

Chart: is college education the next bubble set to burst?

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July 19, 2010

A Pervasive Person from Porlock

David Clemens

The Regents of the University of California just voted to embrace a pilot program testing the efficacy of an online undergraduate degree.  Until now, like most research universities, UC has bee......

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July 19, 2010

Diversity? Of Course We Have Diversity

Glenn Ricketts

If you haven't already done so, check out this piece by Ross Douthat in the New York Times. Following up on Russell Nieli's compelling reasearch, which we referenced here last week, Douthat......

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July 19, 2010

"Climategate": A Different Perspective

Kerry Emanuel

An MIT professor of meteorology urges "Climategate" commentators to make a distinction between climate science and politicization.

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July 19, 2010

Ideological Discrimination in Academe: The Burden of Proof

Steve Balch

NAS chairman Steve Balch argues that when it come to academic discrimination against conservatives, the burden of proof should be on those who contend it doesn't exist.

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July 16, 2010

New Author on NAS.org: Jason Fertig

Ashley Thorne

I'm pleased to introduce Jason Fertig as a new contributor at NAS.org. Dr. Fertig is an NAS member and assistant professor of management at the University of Southern Indiana. Dr. Fertig brings......

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July 16, 2010

'Socially Judicious' Art Ed?

Candace de Russy

Watch out for it -- already a fixture in leading schools of art education --before it becomes the norm in K-12 classes throughout the land, thus vastly politicizing the arts by making......

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July 16, 2010

Final Destination for Harvard Finals...No Comment

Ashley Thorne

Chester Finn (Harvard '65) and Mickey Muldoon (Harvard '07) lament the end of final exams in Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

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Backlash: Sometimes It Hurts So Good

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