November 3, 2010

Arizona Civil Rights Initiative Passes; NAS Hails Victory

Proposition 107, which bans racial preferences in Arizona's public colleges and universities, passed with 60% of the vote.

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November 2, 2010

Quotas at Quinnipiac: "We Very Much Want an African-American for That Particular Position"

Ashley Thorne

A university president announces his intention to hire a "high-quality African-American." At a meeting last week he said, "Having that person be an African-American is very important to concluding t......

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November 1, 2010

Yes, You CAN Teach an Interesting Economics Course!

George Leef

In today's Pope Center piece, Jane Shaw writes about an event we sponsored last Friday, bringing together several econ profs to share their ideas on how to make the subject interesting to studen......

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November 1, 2010

On Finding Obama Where No One Thought to Look

Peter Wood

A new book highlights the complacency of researchers who failed to follow a paper trail, writes Peter Wood.

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October 29, 2010

HuffPo Article on Academic Freedom According to 1915 AAUP

Ashley Thorne

David Moshman, professor of educational psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has an excellent article at the Huffington Post on what academic freedom means, according to the AAUP's......

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October 29, 2010

What's the Metric, Kenneth?

David Clemens

Clare Cavanagh was in town last week for our colloquium on “Imaginative Freedom and Political Freedom.”  A celebrated translator, Clare is also the author of Lyric Poetry and Modern P......

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October 29, 2010

Tea Party Derangement Syndrome

Peter Wood

Intellectual snobbery in academe produces minds closed to debate.

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October 29, 2010

Test Drive a Hybrid College Course

Jason Fertig

A combination of online and in-class instruction can help restore academic rigor in college courses.

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October 29, 2010

Online Ed's Niche Role

David Clemens

Online education should serve as a home for orphaned liberal arts and "boutique" courses for motivated students.

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October 28, 2010

Yes, Virginia...You are All Right

Jonathan Bean

It is always nice to report good news. In the long struggle for sanity on college campuses, occasionally schools "do the right thing." In this case, the University of Virginia has eliminated all speec......

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

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