November 8, 2010

"How Much Higher Should We Set the Prices for Next Year?"

Ashley Thorne

Peter Wood gives some insight into how colleges and universities answer that question.

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November 8, 2010

Holocaust Denial, Truth, and Academic Freedom

Ashley Thorne

Cary Nelson writes that "Holocaust denial is speech promoting falsity as truth." Oh, so truth is part of academic freedom, after all, Prof. Nelson?

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November 5, 2010

Students of the Screen: What's Next for Online Ed?

Ashley Thorne

Four articles this week give a window into the debates over online education. Two NAS professors who have taught online courses - and care about rigorous liberal education - wrote at David Cl......

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November 5, 2010

Affiliates Speak Out for Intellectual Diversity

Ashley Thorne

This week, two NAS state affiliates wrote letters to the editor of local newspapers. Potential Bias at UI College of Law Daily Iowan Don Racheter, Iowa Association of Scholars Open Dialogue,......

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November 5, 2010

Free Academic Questions Through November

Ashley Thorne

Thanks to a promotion from our publisher Springer, the NAS's journal Academic Questions is free online through the month of November. No registration or membership is necessary - you can brow......

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November 5, 2010

Ethnic Studies Teachers Sue to Reinstate La Raza Programs

Ashley Thorne

Arizona banned La Raza studies courses from its schools earlier this year, but eleven ethnic studies teachers are fighting to bring the radical programs back.

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November 5, 2010

Days of Wrath

Peter Wood

Academe has instilled an angry instinct in this generation.

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November 4, 2010

College Application Essays: Going Beyond "How Would You Contribute to Diversity?"

Peter Wood

Many colleges and universities require applicants for undergraduate admissions to write an essay describing the ways in which they’ll bring “diversity” to their hoped-for alma mater.......

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November 3, 2010

Victory: Proposition 107 Passes in Arizona

Ashley Thorne

We are excited to announce that Arizonans have approved Prop. 107, a ballot initiative that prohibits racial preferences in the state’s public institutions, including public colleges and un......

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November 3, 2010

Higher Education Needs the Creative Destruction of Capitalism

George Leef

That view is hardly surprising among the limited government types who frequent the NAS blog, but quite surprising when you hear it from a "progressive" writer. That's the case, however, with DIY......

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

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Backlash: Sometimes It Hurts So Good

We have undermined the leftist status quo in higher education for decades with the persistence of Morlocks. You really should be more alarmed about us than you are. Not that I’m going......

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