April 5, 2011

Video: Richard Vedder on the "Nearly-Everyone-Should-Go-to-College" Idea

Richard Vedder, president of the CCAP, interviewed with Inside Academia this week on the economics of college education and on why tuition costs have gotten to be so high.

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April 5, 2011

Crania Academia

Peter Wood

The academy undermines itself when it belittles the efforts of earlier generations of scholars.

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April 4, 2011

A "Desperate Defense" for Affirmative Action Gets Demolished

George Leef

In this essay on Minding the Campus, Russ Nieli responds to a recent article in the American Scholar by William Chace. 

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April 4, 2011

"Accepted Student Day"

George Leef

In an excellent Wall Street Journal piece, Andrew Ferguson, author of Crazy U: One Dad's Crash Course in Getting His Kid Into College writes about his visit to one of the schools where his son w......

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April 4, 2011

What "Higher Education" Has Come to

George Leef

The current issue of The Chronicle has an illuminating piece by Elayne Clift, an adjunct professor who has taught at several colleges in New England. She writes about the sense of entitlement she fi......

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April 1, 2011

Failed Hypotheses

Peter Wood

Peter Wood compares higher education’s doctrinaire apologists to supporters of a discredited archaeological theory about the first peoples in America.

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March 31, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

Student writers offer their views on sexuality and free speech, the difficulties of banning tobacco on campus, lousy movies and the state of gender equity in the United States.

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March 30, 2011

Ask a Scholar: Third Party Possibilities

Hubert P. van Tuyll

What are the dangers of a third caucus arising in American politics?

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March 30, 2011

Audience Participation

Will Fitzhugh

Students should take responsibility for their own motivation to learn, not rely on teachers to provide it for them.

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March 29, 2011

Diversity Mania in Law Schools

George Leef

This Chronicle article covers a recent symposium on that most horrific of problems, an inadequate level of diversity. The focus of this particular symposium was insufficient diversity in the legal p......

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

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Professor Alleges "Widespread" Discriminatory Hiring Coverup at University of Washington

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Remembering Warren Winiarski

Peter Wood writes on the passing of Warren Winiarski, a long-time supporter and friend of the National Association of Scholars, who sought to cultivate civilization and the liberal arts......

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