April 27, 2011

A New System for Rating Ed Schools

George Leef

In today's Pope Center Clarion Call, Duke Cheston writes about the new system for rating education schools.

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April 27, 2011

Is Our Civilization a Bubble? Part II

Steve Balch

One remedy Steve Balch recommends to prevent us from forgetting the value of our civilization's principles and freedoms is to fortify our education system.

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April 27, 2011

Is There a College My Son or Daughter Can Trust?

John Leo

Peter Wood answers a parent's question, "If the quality of college education is declining as rapidly as many people say, where do you think my daughter or son should go to school?"

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April 26, 2011

Need a Laugh?

George Leef

You probably do, so give this wonderful satire on college students and professors on The Onion a click.

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April 26, 2011

Many British College Students Can't Write Either

George Leef

A common complaint with regard to American college grads is that they write very poorly.  Apparently, it's a problem in Britain as well.

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April 26, 2011

Is Our Civilization a Bubble? Part I

Steve Balch

Steve Balch describes characteristics of well-known bubbles such as the tech bubble and the housing bubble, and he suggests that American society itself could be headed for a bubble if we take our f......

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April 26, 2011

Campus Favorite Greg Mortenson, Writing Lies?

Ashley Thorne

A recent journalistic investigation of a popular author, whose non-fiction books are often chosen as college "common reading," raised numerous questions as to his credibility.

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April 25, 2011

Video: Ashley Thorne on Sustainability as Staff and Rod for the New Elite

Sustainability, as the latest politically correct campus ideology, aims to fix attitudes rather than promote disciplined study.

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April 25, 2011

Jane's Choice

Ashley Thorne

The pivotal moral decision in Jane Eyre makes little sense to a modern audience, thanks largely to today's emphasis on self-esteem education.

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April 25, 2011

NAS Affiliate Head Appointed to Civil Rights Commission's Illinois Committee

Ashley Thorne

Jonathan Bean, an NAS leader and history professor at Southern Illinois University, has been appointed to the state's advisory committee for the U.S. Civil Rights Commission.

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