November 22, 2011

Murray: Three Reasons Colleges Are Oversubscribed

Brendan Nagle

A report from a National Capitol Association of Scholars meeting.

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November 22, 2011

Out and About: Steve Balch in Italy and at Carthage College

Steve Balch

This month NAS chairman Steve Balch discussed the future of the humanities at a symposium in Italy and spoke about the study of Western civilization at Carthage College.

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November 22, 2011

The Merchant of Zuccotti Park

Peter Wood

Peter Wood argues that the Occupy Wall Street movement is helping Americans realize that college is not necessarily an “investment.”

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November 21, 2011

What Do They Teach You At Law School? Not How to Be a Lawyer

Glenn Ricketts

The substance of a legal education, especially at top-tier law schools is worse than bad, it's pretty awful. You'll apparently read lots of high theology about critical legal theory, feminis......

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November 21, 2011

Lady Gaga Makes It to Harvard

Charlotte Allen

Charlotte Allen ponders the curious fascination academics seem to have with a popular singer. Perhaps it's connected to post-modernist theory?

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November 21, 2011

The Humanities Can be Fixed

George Leef

In today's Pope Center piece, Duke Cheston writes about a recent conference at Baylor University, where scholars discussed the problems that beset the humanities and found reasons for optimism.

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November 18, 2011

Justice at Brown

Glenn Ricketts

There may be multiple reasons underlying the steep decline in male enrollments in American higher education, but I have to think that one is that so many campuses are literally "hostile environments......

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November 18, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

Student editors and columnists weigh in on how to fix the economy, why Europe is in a fiscal mess, suggest that there's room for more grade inflation and advise how to handle yourself in a tough......

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November 18, 2011

How Will the Decline of Used-Book Stores Influence Scholarship?

Peter Wood

With so many used-book stores closing their doors, Peter Wood considers the effect of their disappearance on Academe.

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November 17, 2011

Event: New York Affiliate to Host Lecture by Sol Stern

Kate Hamilton

On Sunday afternoon Manhattan Institute senior fellow Sol Stern will speak in New York City on the current value of higher education.

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