July 21, 2023

VIDEO: Is Science Broken?

National Association of Scholars

Join us as we take a look under the hood of modern science, and ask the question: is science broken?

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July 21, 2023

Ian Oxnevad on China's "Transnational Repression"

National Association of Scholars

NAS Senior Fellow for Foreign Affairs and Security Studies Ian Oxnevad was recently featured in a discussion hosted by the Hudson Institute. Take a listen as he examines China’s t......

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July 20, 2023

Thank you, Florida, for Fighting Indoctrination

Teresa R. Manning

Last month, two conservative groups made court filings to oppose Florida’s anti-woke law, challenging the statute's constitutionality. But the real problem is bad-actor ideologues and m......

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July 20, 2023

Event: Rethinking Climate Risk

National Association of Scholars

Listen in as we discuss whether the "climate emergency" is real or fiction. 

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July 20, 2023

Reform at Scale: A Map of NAS Initiatives by State

National Association of Scholars

UPDATED: An official tracker of the NAS and Civics Alliance's higher education reform efforts by state. We are working to defend academic freedom for faculty, students, and others, along......

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July 19, 2023

On Collegiality

J. Scott Turner

Increasingly, collegiality is being added to the traditional triad of excellence that wins professors tenure. And now, the issue of collegiality is a fraught minefield, and has become one of......

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July 19, 2023

Event: China in American K-12 Classrooms: A Historical Context

National Association of Scholars

Join us for a riveting discussion on the past and present extent of Chinese influence in American K-12 education.

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July 18, 2023

VIDEO: Confounded Errors

National Association of Scholars

Listen in on this special webinar event as we launch the third installment of our Shifting Sands report series: Confounded Errors. 

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July 18, 2023

PSU's Open Door

Kali Jerrard

An Oregon university continues partnerships with Chinese universities while receiving national security grants and contracts.

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July 18, 2023

Press Release: CDC and NIH Policies During Pandemic Had No Proven Benefit to Public Health, Finds Report

National Association of Scholars

The National Association of Scholars has released a new report examining the effects and origins of public health policy failures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Most Commented

July 30, 2024


Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

June 6, 2024


Backlash: Sometimes It Hurts So Good

We have undermined the leftist status quo in higher education for decades with the persistence of Morlocks. You really should be more alarmed about us than you are. Not that I’m going......

August 6, 2024


An Elephant Walks into Class

An assessment of the Republican higher education platform....

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May 15, 2015


Where Did We Get the Idea That Only White People Can Be Racist?

A look at the double standard that has arisen regarding racism, illustrated recently by the reaction to a black professor's biased comments on Twitter....

September 6, 2024


Professor Alleges "Widespread" Discriminatory Hiring Coverup at University of Washington

Audio acquired by the National Association of Scholars describes allegations of coverup race-based hiring coverup at the University of Washington...

October 12, 2010


Ask a Scholar: What is the True Definition of Latino?

What does it mean to be Latino? Are only Latin American people Latino, or does the term apply to anyone whose language derived from Latin?...