February 8, 2019

Required Reading

National Association of Scholars

A State Representative in Iowa has introduced a bill to make Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago a required read for high school graduation.

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February 7, 2019

Episode #14: Regulatory Overreach with Larry Kogan

National Association of Scholars

Peter W. Wood interviews Larry Kogan on sustainability. Join us as Larry takes us on an expedition to the dark underbelly of the regulatory regime.

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January 31, 2019

Episode #13: Last Month Today (January)

National Association of Scholars

Peter W. Wood sits down with the NAS staff to discuss higher education news and themes from January.

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January 30, 2019

EVENT: A Hole in the Renaissance

National Association of Scholars

Join us February 12, 2019, at the office of First Things as we come together to hear a lecture from Dr. Eleanor Schneider.

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January 29, 2019

Academic Unions: Join or Say, 'Goodbye to Your Career'

National Association of Scholars

NAS filed an amicus brief in support of St. Cloud State University political science professor Kathleen Uradnik.

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January 28, 2019

Some Thoughts on the A.P.A. Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Boys and Men

Dave Peterson

A response to the American Psychological Association's recent guidance for men and boys. 

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January 25, 2019

Academy for Retribution

National Association of Scholars

Peter W. Wood writes a letter to the President of Portland State University urging the institution to end its use of academic disciplinary procedures to harass Professor Boghossian. 

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January 25, 2019

Conference Call Schedule: Spring 2019

National Association of Scholars

Join NAS once a month this Spring as we discuss education politics, neo-segregation, and politicization of the College Board. 

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January 24, 2019

Episode #12: Elitist Status Symbols with Darel Paul

Peter Wood

Peter W. Wood sits down with Darel Paul, a professor of political science at Wiliams College and author of From Tolerance to Equality.

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January 22, 2019

What Groucho Marx Can Teach Us About Liberal Education

Jon D. Schaff

The world wearies of defenses of liberal education and the humanities. 

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