March 20, 2024

Penn Tries to Punish and Purge Thought Criminal Amy Wax

Teresa R. Manning

Wax's crime is precisely in keeping her mind free—in having and speaking her thoughts born of observations, research, and reasoning, regardless of the political correctness police. 

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March 19, 2024

DEI from Up High

Kali Jerrard

As funding for DEI hiring takes over medical schools, discrimination concerns arise.

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March 18, 2024

Indiana Senate Bill 202 Reforms DEI Policy

National Association of Scholars

Senate Bill 202 is a good first step for removing authoritarian “diversity, equity, and inclusion” policies from Indiana’s public universities. We urge Indiana’s citizens and p......

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March 13, 2024

Sayed Hossein Mousavian Has No Place At Princeton

National Association of Scholars

Princeton’s employment of Mousavian in a position suited to shaping public perception and policy towards Iran’s nuclear program is not only detrimental to national security, but cedes acad......

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March 13, 2024

Tennessee Legislation Fights Identity-Group Policy

National Association of Scholars

We strongly endorse Amendment No. 1—as a beginning of a wider campaign to remove identity-group policy, oppressor/oppressed distinctions, and permanent and unjustified assertions of moral debt f......

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March 12, 2024

The Affair of Yale and Rural China

Ian Oxnevad

Yale's tepid outreach to rural America fails to compare to its investment in China. 

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March 9, 2024

A Portrait of Claireve Grandjouan

Helaine L. Smith

Claireve Grandjouan, when I knew her, was Head of the Classics Department at Hunter College, and that year gave a three-hour Friday evening class in Egyptian archaeology.

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March 9, 2024

A Two-Part Tale: Life at Rutgers College

Paul J. Sundermier

In 1964 we were not yet into the “60’s” as people remember that decade; it was much more like the 50s. At Rutgers back then, life was much as it must have been for several decad......

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March 5, 2024

The Risks of Internationalizing American Colleges

Kali Jerrard

Higher ed’s push to import students poses a substantial risk to national security and the future of academia.

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February 27, 2024

Academia’s Self-Eating Snake

Kali Jerrard

Ethnic studies and educational activism are consuming curricula and the classroom.

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Most Commented

June 6, 2024


Backlash: Sometimes It Hurts So Good

We have undermined the leftist status quo in higher education for decades with the persistence of Morlocks. You really should be more alarmed about us than you are. Not that I’m going......

July 30, 2024


Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

August 6, 2024


An Elephant Walks into Class

An assessment of the Republican higher education platform....

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May 15, 2015


Where Did We Get the Idea That Only White People Can Be Racist?

A look at the double standard that has arisen regarding racism, illustrated recently by the reaction to a black professor's biased comments on Twitter....

October 12, 2010


Ask a Scholar: What is the True Definition of Latino?

What does it mean to be Latino? Are only Latin American people Latino, or does the term apply to anyone whose language derived from Latin?...

May 28, 2009


"O Cosmic Birther!" The Lord's Prayer Meets the American College Textbook

A philosophy professor finds an Internet legend subbing for the Gospel truth and looks in vain for "critical reasoning."...