Press Releases

View all press releases issued by the National Association of Scholars.

October 11, 2012

NAS Founder Stephen H. Balch Takes New Role in Western Civilization Institute

PRESS RELEASE: NAS founder Stephen H. Balch launches a new Institute for the Study of Western Civilization at Texas Tech University.

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March 30, 2012

Politics Undermining Learning, Scholars Warn University of California

PRESS RELEASE: The California Association of Scholars has published a report showing how radical faculty members and administrators and politicized courses have compromised the quality of education......

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February 21, 2012

NAS Commends Supreme Court for Taking Fisher Case on Racial Preferences

PRESS RELEASE: The Supreme Court agrees to hear what may become a landmark case on the diversity rationale for racial preferences in college admissions.

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January 27, 2012

Victory for Freedom of Conscience in Ward v. Polite

The NAS applauds the Sixth Circuit Court's decision to defend a counseling student's freedom of conscience.

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January 5, 2012

New Hampshire Passes Law Banning Racial Preferences

The NAS hails New Hampshire's new prohibition against racial preferences as a victory for equal opportunity in higher education.

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