Press Releases

The home of “things said” by the National Association of Scholars.

May 21, 2024

Press Release: Scholars File Amicus Brief in Support of Boston Parent Coalition

National Association of Scholars

The brief argues that BPS’s actions violate the Equal Protection Clause. The Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York, an Asian-American civil rights organization, cosigned the ami......

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May 13, 2022

Press Release: NAS Files Amicus Brief in Support of Students for Fair Admissions

National Association of Scholars

NAS has supported SFFA from the very beginning, and we will continue to do so until race is eliminated as a qualification for college admission.

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November 24, 2021

Press Release: NAS Files Amicus Brief in Vlaming v. West Point School Board

National Association of Scholars

NAS has filed an amicus brief in support of Peter Vlaming's appeal to the Supreme Court of Virginia after he was fired for declining to refer to a female student by male pronouns.

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June 4, 2020

The Tyranny of Pronouns

National Association of Scholars

Can university officials force their professors to call students by their preferred titles and pronouns? 

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February 26, 2020

Scholars File Amicus Brief for Appeal of Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College

National Association of Scholars

NAS files an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals supporting Asian-American students in their case against the use of racial preferences at Harvard.

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January 29, 2019

Academic Unions: Join or Say, 'Goodbye to Your Career'

National Association of Scholars

NAS filed an amicus brief in support of St. Cloud State University political science professor Kathleen Uradnik.

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March 16, 2015

Scholars Ask Supreme Court to Revisit Fisher and Rationales for Racial Preferences

National Association of Scholars

The NAS joined a petition to the Supreme Court to re-hear Fisher v. University of Texas, the case that challenges racial preferences in public university admissions.

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December 20, 2011

Court of Appeals Fails to Defend Freedom of Speech in Counseling Profession

A panel of three judges has ruled that Christian beliefs about homosexuality disqualified a student from pursuing a degree in counseling.

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December 2, 2010

NAS Supports Freedom of Speech and Conscience in Keeton v. Anderson-Wiley

National Association of Scholars

NAS filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case Keeton v. Anderson-Wiley, in favor of counseling student Jennifer Keeton, who was expelled from Augusta State University for expressing her religious......

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