In the early 19th century, a Protestant religious revival swept through the United States, bringing with it a rise in religious observance and several new denominations, as well as an increase in societies and organizations dedicated to biblical missions.
What sparked the Second Great Awakening? What effects did the Second Great Awakening have on the nation's culture? How did it strengthen the role of Protestant denominations in the political sphere?
Listen in as scholars from around the country answer these questions and others.
This event features Robert Caldwell, professor of church history for the school of theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Thomas Kidd, distinguished professor of history and the James Vardaman Endowed Professor of History at Baylor University; and John Wigger, professor of History at the University of Missouri. The discussion was moderated by David Randall, director of research at the National Association of Scholars.
Image from Encyclopedia Britannica, Methodist camp meeting, Accessed August 3rd, 2021.