
View media produced by the National Association of Scholars

December 9, 2022

Video: Ideological Intensification Launch Event

National Association of Scholars

Listen in as we discuss the advance of DEI in STEM subjects with our guests Nathan Honeycutt and Luana Maroja.

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December 8, 2022

Video: A Referendum on Race

National Association of Scholars

Listen as our panel of legal scholars discusses SFFA v. Harvard and SFFA v. UNC, landmark cases that call into question the constitutionality of racial preferences in higher education.

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December 6, 2022

Video: Right Ideas: Alasdair MacIntyre

National Association of Scholars

Listen as our panel of scholars discusses what conservatives can learn from Alasdair MacIntyre’s critique of contemporary moral and political thought.

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December 2, 2022

Video: Climate Solutions Realism

National Association of Scholars

Listen in as Mark P. Mills of the Manhattan Institute and Scott Turner discuss what it would really take for the world to transform to a zero carbon future.

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November 29, 2022

Video: "The Maltese Falcon" by Dashiell Hammett

National Association of Scholars

Listen as our panel of scholars discusses what makes Dashiell Hammett's "The Maltese Falcon" a great American novel.

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