Event: The Student Loan Crisis

What You're Not Hearing

National Association of Scholars

The problems of rising tuition, widespread student borrowing to pay that tuition and now talk of student loan forgiveness are all in the news. Policy debates seem to focus on whether student debt should be cancelled and, if so, for which borrowers and for how much.

These discussions often overlook more fundamental questions such as: Why has tuition increased at such an unprecedented rate? And why do young people and their families agree to pay so much more, often incurring high debt levels which can last a lifetime? Is this a wise course of action?

Join the National Association of Scholars on Thursday, July 14th, for "The Student Loan Crisis: What You're Not Hearing."

The webinar will feature NAS Senior Research Associate Neetu Arnold, author of Priced Out: What College Costs America, which details why and how college costs have skyrocketed and why young people and their families go along. Neetu will be joined by Bryan Caplan, Professor and Economist at George Mason University and author of The Case Against Education: Why the Education System is a Waste of Time and Money, and Naomi Schaefer Riley, Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and Senior Fellow at the Independent Women's Forum.

The discussion will be moderated by NAS Policy Director Teresa R. Manning, who has also written on the topic of student loan forgiveness, most recently last month in The American Conservative.

Register for "The Student Loan Crisis: What You're Not Hearing" 

Image:  Lauren Metter, DigBoston, Public Domain

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