Vanderbilt Chaplain Affirms Shariah Death-to-'Gays' Law

Candace de Russy

  • Article
  • February 03, 2010

The university is scurrying to disassociate itself from Awadh A. Binhazim, who is listed on the campus' website as "Adjunct Professor of Islam at the Divinity School" and an adviser to the Muslim Student Association (MSA). Binhazim also offers courses gratis at Vanderbilt. The professor, as World Net Daily reports, responded to a question before a "diversity" meeting of students by acknowledging that homosexuality is punishable by death under Islam and that he accepts whatever Islam teaches. Devin Saucier, who posed the question and serves as president of Vanderbilt's chapter of Youth for Western Civilization, called Binhazim's presentation before the group a "30-minute, roses and butterflies overview of Islam." Saucier explained in a blog that he attended (and videotaped) the MSA-sponsored event out of curiosity about the

'unholy alliance between Muslims and leftists – how could the latter, who fervently support multiculturalism, gay marriage, and gender equality, ally with the former, who support religious and cultural supremacy, traditional marriage, and the oppression of women? ... I knew [the gathering] would be ripe grounds for me to expose the gullibility of leftists who grovel at the altars of tolerance and acceptance.'

The rest of this enterprising student's observations about the event are of interest, as are Vanderbilt's predictable evocations of "free speech for all" and simultaneous touting of its "non-discrimination" policies regarding sexuality.

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