
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 27, 2010

"Just the Facts, Ma'am"

George Leef

That's the approach the Pope Center is taking with the release today of a piece loaded with facts about higher education in the U.S. It is not something that flatters the educational establishme......

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October 26, 2010

A Letter to Arizonans on Prop. 107

Stuart Hurlbert

Next week Arizona citizens have the historic opportunity to reject racial preferences in state institutions, including public universities.

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October 26, 2010

New Excellent Program: Colloquium on the American Founding

Ashley Thorne

Check out our list of excellent programs as we add a new one at Amherst College.

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October 25, 2010

Peter Wood Blogs at the Chronicle

Peter Wood

I'm pleased to announce that NAS president Peter Wood is a new contributor to the Chronicle of Higher Education's Innovations blog. Here are his first two posts: "Tea Party Derangement Syndr......

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October 25, 2010

Good Read

Mary Grabar

I'd like to share with you my post at American Culture on Christopher Hill's novel. I'm sorry to say I didn't know about  this novel until I visited the Alexander Hamilton Insti......

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